Get it right, the true meaning of Christmas.

In the western countries, Christmas is associated with Santa Clause and Christmas Tree. In Africa, mainly in Kenya, Christmas is traveling upcountry to your folks to slaughter that goat you've been fattening the whole year, drink a lot of booze and catch up. Christmas is actually the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Its mainly celebrated on the 25th of December but I am meant to understand that some Christians celebrate it on 6th of January. Imagine having Christmas holidays in the month of January? It is possible since we have the new year and from there we could probably carry on maybe till the month is over. Wouldn't that be just fantastic? There would be no holiday blues like I already have as I had to yank myself from receiving some massive TLC away from the hustles and bustles of the City. I remember most Christmas days since I was 4 years old like it was just yesterday. The Carols, the psyche throughout the month, the decorations in our homes and outside, th...