Internet Addiction: Is Internet Your Best Friend or Worst Enemy?
Many people wonder if Internet Addiction is real or just some cooked up thing by internet users. It is actually very real. It can mess up your health, relationships and work performance to if you don’t come to the realization that you have a problem and work to overcome it. Case Scenario: Harriet arrives at work at 7.00a.m. one hour before her official time. She enters her office, turns on the PC and the first thing she opens is the Internet Browser. She further opens the social media sites (Facebook, Twitter,) and starts punching away addresses, usernames and passwords to access the sites. She smiles as she spots some notifications alerts begging for her attention. She peruses through all and then starts scrolling on the main page. She comments here, tweets there, likes here, shares there and even recommends over here. She continues to read some more comments and depending on the content, she either giggles, curses, laments or just stares back at the screen probably po...