A Peek At Today's Menu: Mice Meat!

 I am sure most of you think I have made a typo with my heading and that the word mice is supposed to mean mince. You are damn wrong! Yap, I said it, mice meat, that's whats cooking today, so come join me as we prepare this delicious delicacy that Zimbabweans love so much.

Right! The delicacy is full of proteins (actually recommended by health authorities). The mice are captured in the field after the harvest of corn/maize. This mainly happens in the month of April. They are dug from holes or trapped with roasted peanuts placed under a flat stone. Once the mice are captured, you then boil them in water and then dry them under a fire. Some people remove the furs but others prefer cooking them as is were is basis. The mice are then fried in a pan, oh QUITE TASTY  I hear. This a favorable dish especially for the drinking places that are frequented by men. Its served with Sadza (thick porridge) Zimbabwean staple food in Central Africa. Not all people prefer eating mice though, mainly due to religious beliefs.

So there you have it! Next time you are in some farm and you spot a mouse, do not let it go. It just could be your meal for the day and a finger-licking one so to speak.


  1. its know for its afridisiac advantages plus during times of drought plus the hard times people are faced with most resorted to eating mice and yest the big ones are eaten werent you a girl scout at some point .......

  2. This is not a drought material, you are quite wrong. Even respected people in society take this food. Just try it, start from the tail


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