Parenting, The Very Essence of Our Lives

Parenting can be the most challenging but rewarding and fulfilling thing people do during their lifetime.  Picture taking care of another human being from the time of infancy to the time the human has had enough of your bickering, snooping, scorning, brooding and stuff and left (figuratively or literally). As a parent, it is normal for one to keep asking themselves these questions that more often than not do not generate any satisfactory answers. "Am I an ideal parent? Will my child grow up to my expectations? If for some reason I ever make mistakes that will greatly impact on my child negatively, will I be able to live with it? Am I a role model to my child. Do I give enough support and care to my child? Does my child trust me?"

Truth be told, no one knows how to be the parent of the year, even those we may think are the most experienced people. To begin with, parenting could come from our God given instincts.  We may get all kinds of advice, ideas, suggestions or criticism  from people surrounding us but at the end of the day, we should be the ones to make that sensible and final judgment. For one, you must find quality time with your child no matter what you are or do in life. Kids grow really fast, one minute he/she is learning to walk and the next he/she is already packing to leave on their own hence the need to cherish every moment you have with them. The natural connection we have with our child makes us have the platform to observe and trust our judgment when it comes to making decisions about them and their life. Do not limit discipline and at the same time do not be too overwhelming with it lest the child withdraws from you.  Do it with love and explanations.  Always make your child feel secure and that they can always count on you no matter what. Some say there is nothing like the terrible two. If a child acts like a brat, its because the parents have let them become brats. Communication should be started as early as the child is able to understand simple instructions. Do not always say yes to a child as they naturally master the art of making you a sucker if and when it suits them. You will be both grateful after sometime that you did. It is also fine to say yes sometimes especially if a child asks for something that you can provide and that is harmless and helpful to them.

Keep yourself informed about the latest trends in your current child's life. This helps you to communicate with them more easily about their tastes and preferences and you can also be able to spot that thing that could spell doom to them. It also earns you their trust and confidence as you do not go embarrassing them with numerous questions when you seem not to understand certain affairs in their life.

Parenting is for life. Your child will always be your child no matter how old he/she becomes. As long as they will need you in whatever phase in life, you can always count yourself to be there for them. Your support does not wane with time. They may all be gone from your life but that may not stop you from worrying, yearning or longing to see them back in your life again. Above everything else, parents should remember to introduce their children to God, teach them to worship God constantly. They should also pray for their children in earnest. God's protection and guidance is above anything a parent can ever give to their child in their lifetime.

He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.


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